The best way to prepare for meeting the costs of college is to begin saving early. Set aside money each month, to build a college fund.
Nevada College Savings Plans
One innovative option is the Nevada College Savings Plans (also known as a “529 plans”). With the Nevada College Savings Plan, you can open an account on behalf of a designated beneficiary. Your contributions can be invested in Prepaid Tuition Contracts (which allow you to lock in your tuition expenses at the current year’s rate for future attendance), or contribute to professionally managed investment portfolios.
Call the Office of the State Treasurer toll free for more information at (888) 477-2667 or at
You can also contact your personal financial institution and inquire about what college tuition savings plans they may offer.
Nevada’s Millennium Scholarship
The Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship program provides financial support to Nevada’s high school graduates who plan to attend a Nevada college or university. Students can view the latest program and eligibility requirements at You may receive up to a maximum award of $10,000 for undergraduate coursework during the years following your high school graduation. There is no application form to complete. If you meet all Millennium Scholarship requirements upon high school graduation, your school or district will submit your name to the Office of the State Treasurer. You will receive award notification in the summer after your graduation. Policy guidelines can also be obtained by calling 1-888-477-2667.