Grade 6
- Say out loud “I am going to college”
- Aim for academic challenges – Seek college preparatory classes
- Get perfect attendance
- Study hard!
- Learn how to take notes, make outlines, and do research
- Get involved in school activities and student government
- Join community-based organizations or recreational centers – Register for drama, drawing, gymnastics, or basketball and soccer leagues.
- Attend a college fair
- Learn more about careers and education paths needed – Nevada Career Information System is a free and interactive website, visit
- Visit to learn about Nevada’s universities and community colleges
- Say out loud “I am going to college”
- Strive for A’s and B’s!
- Focus on improving math and English skills
- Take a foreign language
- Take courses needed for the college preparatory track in high school
- Seek help from a tutor to complete college preparatory course work
- Look ahead – Create a pathway that will lead to college
- Check out what’s new at
- Visit a college campus with the whole family
- Become familiar with college terms such as bachelor’s degree, undergraduate, financial aid, tuition, professor, degree plan and full-time student status
Grade 8
- Say out loud “I am going to college”
- Be sure to take algebra in 8th grade – It is a jump start on math in high school!
- Take a foreign language
- Take the ACT EXPLORE assessment test to measure the skills and knowledge needed for college success
- Become involved in leadership programs at school such as student government, theatre, JROTC or athletic teams
- Talk to a counselor about Magnet Schools and Career & Technical Academies (CTA) for high school – These schools have specialized programs in aviation, performing and fine arts, communications, law preparatory, veterinary and medical sciences, computer animation and engineering
- Explore college and career information resources available online – Start at
- Think about college budget and expenses – Tuition, books, and housing costs